Throughout its existence since 1918 the Bulgarian Geographical Society creates and participates in the development of periodicals with scientific and popular science themes. The most important scientific journals are “Journal of the Bulgarian Geographical Society” and “Problems of geography in PR* Bulgaria”. Two scientific collections were issued (1959, 1986) and three popular science journals: “Geographical Review”, “Countries and Peoples” and “Geography”.
Scientific journals:
Journal of the Bulgarian Geographical Society. The oldest and most influential journal of the Society is issued during two periods 1934 - 1943 and 1953 - 1992. In the autumn of 2018 the publishing of the journal has started again with a special volume number 39. The design of the journal was renewed and for first time it started to be published on-line.
The journal is mainly published on-line on the official web-site of the Society. Limited copies are regularly deposited in the National Library "Cyril and Methodius" in Sofia, the libraries in the geographical faculties and departments of the following universities: Sofia University, University of Veliko Tarnovo, University of Shumen and South-West University, as well in selected regional libraries.
The "Journal of the Bulgarian Geographical Society" publishes the following types of publications:
- research papers,
- paper reviews,
- short communications,
- special issue papers,
- editorials,
- book reviews.
All publications in the journal are been double blind reviewed.
Since August 2019 the "Journal of the Bulgarian Geographical Society" has been added to the National Reference List of the contemporary Bulgarian scientific journals with scientific review (NRL) of the National Center for Information and Documentation (NACID) in Bulgaria.
Today, the journal is included in databases of ROAD, Google Scholar, COBBIS (BG), World Cat and NACID.
ISSN 0375-5924 (Print), ISSN 2682-986X (Online)
All newly published volumes of the journal and some of the old ones are available on-line on the official web-site of the Bulgarian Geographical Society:
Since 2021, the journal is published and hosted on Pensoft's ARPHA Platform. Visit the new journal website at:
Problems of geography in PR Bulgaria. This journal was joint edition of the BGS, Institute of Geography and Faculty of Geology and Geography at Sofia University. The journal was published from 1964 to 1978. Five volumes with 56 articles have been issued during this period.
Popular science journals:
Geographical Review. Popular science journal released between 1946 and 1950, during this period 18 books were issued.
Countries and peoples. Popular science journal released in the period 1947 - 1949.
Geography. Issued in the period 1950 - 1992 as a continuation of the previous two.
*People’s Republic.