Saturday, 07 December 2024 13:47

Ivica Milevski welcomed as a subject editor at Journal of the Bulgarian Geographical Society

Ivica Milevski is the latest addition to the editorial team of the Journal of the Bulgarian Geographical Society (JBGS). He is a professor at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics at “Ss. Cyril and Methodius University” in Skopje, North Macedonia.
Ivica has expertise in physical geography, geomorphology, climate change, GIS, and remote sensing, particularly in geohazard, geodiversity, and geoheritage. He has authored or co-authored over 130 scientific publications, taken part in talks and communications at many conferences, and participated in 92 research and application projects, most of them as a team leader. Also, he has more than 50 scientific paper reviews in many renewed international journals.

"I am pleased to be the subject editor in JBGS, one of the oldest regularly published (since 1933) geographical journals in the Balkans. It has a real richness of relevant papers covering my main research interests, including physical geography and remote sensing. I believe we can work together with the editorial team to enhance the impact of the JBGS" he remarked upon joining the editorial board."

Visit to learn more about him and his work.

Source: JBGS website